Considerate Constructors Scheme

Fletcher Homes are an honourable member of the Considerate Constructor Scheme (CCS) which follow a set of five codes of practice that seek to improve the image of the construction industry.

Being members of the CCS makes Fletcher Homes a reliable company with high standards, delivering a high quality of work.

The Considerate Constructor Scheme has a new five-point Code of Considerate Practice which offers a supporting checklist, scoring system and monitors reports to all registered sites and companies.

All registered sites and companies are assessed on a new five-point code. Scheme monitors use this checklist to report and score visits.

Previously, registered companies and sites were monitored on an eight-point code. The number of sections has been reduced to provide greater clarity for registered sites and companies to understand how to comply with the code. Each section of the code is accompanied by an aspirational statement, followed by four bullet points which list the areas the scheme will consider within that section.

The sections of the code that Fletcher Homes abide by are;

  • Enhancing the appearance
  • Respecting the community
  • Protecting the environment
  • Securing everyone’s safety
  • Caring for the workforce

The code applies to all registered sites and companies, regardless of size, type and location and its important to us to ensure we maintain these standards at all times.

If you need any further information on this scheme, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team who will be happy to assist you.

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